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Kim Jong-un North Korea admits attack site Sony

Kim Jong-un North Korea admits attack site Sony

Some time ago, Sony Pictures servers have been hacked by a group calling itself #GOP Hacker. Sony, which revealed allegations that North Korea (Korea), was behind the attack Sony Pictures Entertainment website is not contradicted by its president, Kim Jong-un. This was done related to the new movie that will be released by Sony, entitled The Interview.

As quoted from the Mirror, Tuesday (01/12/2014), when asked about the communist nation of North Korea regarding cyber attacks against the websites of Sony Picture, Korean officials expressed, "Wait and See."

As anticipated, due to the attack on the site of Sony Pictures Entertainment has resulted in the company to leak some films that will release. A total of five films claimed to have leaked out and freely accessible online.

The title of the film that has been leaked is a remake of the movie Annie is scheduled to be released in the second week of December, and the Furry, Mr. Tuner, Still Alice, and Two Write Love on Her Arms. Then one of the films that will have controversy is comedy The Interview.

Nuanced comedy movie and played by Seth Rogan and James Franco are told about the journalists who get access to meet with North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, but has been instructed and recruited the CIA to kill him.

At first the film was announced, the North Korea which had been reported to the UN Security Council. In the report, they wrote that the film is "the most obvious support for acts of terrorism and acts of war", and it was not like that.

Source: Mirror

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